The Suspense Project: 1945-08-23 This Will Kill You
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A wartime manufacturing worker is insanely jealous of his boss’ love relationship with a woman who works in the plant. His delusional obsession for her leads him to develop an intricate plot to frame the boss for her murder. It’s one of those “if I can’t have her, nobody can” plotlines by someone who thinks they’re smarter than everyone else and they haven’t overlooked a single contingency. The performance includes his beating and murdering the woman, another reminder that Suspense is not for kids. It’s another story where home audio recording technology plays into the storyline.
The script was likely written sometime in Spring 1945 and has references to the progress of the war. The narration introduces a flashback to a story in a war production plant after Germany surrender which was a little more than three months prior to the broadcast. The Pacific war was still being fought at the time. Japan’s surrender was on 1945-08-15, eight days before this broadcast. Dane Clark’s character walks down death row to be executed at the end of the story. Events unfolded and were resolved in much too short a time for all the events of the story and the justice process to occur.
The story is by “I. A. Finley,” who was actually Irving Fein. He was a publicist for CBS at the time and would become the agent for Jack Benny and George Burns. He would eventually become a business partner of Benny in his television production company. The story was re-performed about 10 years later and broadcast on 1955-11-29. The script credit at that time was to “Peter Ashley.” It is not know why those particular names were selected.
There are two recordings available. The one surviving network recording is the better of the two. It is not known if it is east or west. The Armed Forces Radio Service recording (#117) was derived from the missing network recording. Times are approximate:
Surviving network 1:34 " of those..ah..big good looking guys...";
AFRS 0:49 " of those those big good looking guys..."; there are many other differences in the recordings;
This story was included in Suspense Magazine #1 as “This’ll Kill You.” A downloadable PDF is available on the Internet Archive page with this recordings.
The cast:
DANE CLARK (Joe Jordan), unknown
(Harriet Slate), Elliott Lewis (Sullivan / Workman), Wally Maher
(Charlie Harris), Joe Kearns (Signature Voice / Warden / Workman),
Jerry Hausner (Workmen # 1 & 3), Jim Nusser (Priest), unknown
- Addeddate
- 2023-06-18 15:36:38
- Identifier
- TSP450823
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- Scanner
- Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0
The Suspense ProjectUploaded by The Suspense Project on